
Welcome to District 28 of America's Boating Club

We are America’s Boating Club, District 28. We are a non-profit boating organization devoted to safe boating through education.  Our members consist of enthusiastic sailors and power boaters.  Our national organization,  America’s Boating Club, meets the needs of all boaters, both power and sail, big and small, by providing public boating education courses to all current or prospective boaters; and by offering advanced boating education and fraternal boating to their members. It is the squadrons who conduct the public boating courses and are the real heart of the USPS organization. Click here for more about America’s Boating Club

To attend email Jill:  sanluisrey@earthlink.net


The mission of the America’s Boating Club is to promote recreational Boating Safety through education and civic activities while providing fellowship for our members.

All AB Club Squadron Members in Southern California are automatically members of the AB Club District 28.  Our members are boating families who contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education.  All of our squadrons offer boating safety classes and seminars to the public and a rich series of Advanced and subject specific courses to the members, on the water and in the classroom.

Map of District 28 Squadrons

District 28 Policies and Procedures

Approved at Conference 03/25/2023

For questions, comments or improvements, please contact 
D/Lt Richard Cross – rtcross11@gmail.com

District 28 Bylaws

Approved 18 July 2023

For questions, comments or improvements, please contact 
D/Lt Adriaan Veldhuisen – awveldhuisen@gmail.com


The Lead Line is the official publication of District 28 and is published twice a year, in February and August. Articles may be submitted to the Editor, D/Lt Jill Powell, AP. The last 2 years are listed below. If you are interested in seeing older issues please email D/Lt Jill Powell, AP.







11 JANUARY – 2025 ABC San Diego Change of Watch

12 JANUARY – 2025 ABC Oceanside Change of Watch

1-10 February – Annual Meeting

1 March – D28 Change of Watch – Hosted by Oceanside


Our District Commander and five Lieutenant Commanders are collectively known as the District Bridge. 

The District serves as the link between USPS(National) and our local squadrons. It serves as a resource to the squadron leadership by providing information and guidance to the squadron officers and committees. It also provides feedback to the national organization about items of concern to the squadrons. Each squadron officer has a district counterpart who can provide information and answer questions.

Bridge Officers & Assistants

Commander - D/C Doug Bass, SN/CN
Welcome to the 2024 District Bridge. I’m the new Commander and would like to introduce myself to those that do not know me. 
A few years ago I was the commander of the San Diego Club/Squadron, have been an Education Officer twice, and have been a member of USPS since the 80’s. I’ve cruised through the Bahamas and Florida keys, and now participate monthly in racing one-design sloops on San Diego Bay.  A boater all my life, I grew up in Virginia on a lake.   I enjoy sailing, fishing, and diving whenever possible.
I want to bring my joy of the water and watersports to the District, supporting any and all water activities including on-the-water training, raft-ups, cruising, and racing. Any other ideas for activities will be welcome.
That’s who I am.  Please give me a call any time, introduce yourself, and invite me to your boating activities.
Executive Officer
Secretary - D/Lt/C Sue Ann Bean
Education Officer - P/D/C Shawn Goit JN-ON
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Asst. Education Officer - D/Lt/C Cida Diehl
Jill Hurtigruten
Administrative Officer - D/Lt/C Jill Powell
Treasurer - D/Lt/C Darryel D. Simmons, AP

General Committees

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Rules - D/Lt Adriaan Veldhuisen
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Planning - P/D/C Richard Cross